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Croatian Tales of Long Ago
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Language: CROATIAN ONLY.Croatian literature: Ivana Brlić Mažuranić - Croatian Tales ofLong Ago.Book Croatian Tales of Long Ago, a collection of short stories byIvana Brlić Mažuranić.Electronic books "Croatian Literature" are free books in theform of Android applications which one can read on smartphones andtablets without the need for special programs for reading.Free, no spying, does not need Internet access.
Lapitch the Little Shoemaker
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Language: CROATIAN ONLY.Croatian literature: Ivana Brlić Mažuranić - Lapitch the LittleShoemaker.Lapitch the Little Shoemaker is the famous children's novel byIvana Brlić Mažuranić.Electronic books "Croatian Literature" are free books in theform of Android applications which one can read on smartphones andtablets without the need for special programs for reading.Lapitch The Little Shoemaker is a story of a noble andcourageous boy who runs away from a cruel master, travels the worldin search for a better experience. With him travels a girl Gitaseeking for parents and they will need a lot of wisdom andkindness, to overcome obstacles. The final objective of the trip isto examine our own abilities, and growing calm in rediscoveredhome.
Kunalipa, numizmatika hrvatska
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Language: CROATIAN ONLY.Aplikacija Kunalipa je zamišljena kao pomoć numizmatičarima ikolekcionarima, a pruža korisne informacije za sve koje zanimajusuvremeni hrvatski novci.Katalog suvremenog hrvatskog novca s osnovnim podacima onovčanicama i kovanicama od 1991. do danas. Katalog daje slikovni itekstualni prikaz novčanica hrvatskog dinara, dinara "SrpskeKrajine" i kune, te optjecajnih kovanica kune i lipe.Aplikacija omogućuje da jednostavno i uvijek pri ruci imatetablicu s označenim primjercima koji Vam nedostaju u kolekciji.Tečajna lista HNB prikazuje kupovne, srednje i prodajne tečajeveHrvatske narodne banke, a ima i konvertor valuta.Također, tu je aktualna tečajna lista Europske središnje banke,tečajevi za sve svjetske valute, podaci o nazivima novčanihjedinica, ISO oznakama, te nazivima i broju dijelova valute za svesvjetske valute.Priloženi su i tečajevi stranih valuta prema hrvatskom dinaru(do 1993.), odnosno kuni (od 1994.) na kraju godine, prema srednjemtečaju Hrvatske narodne banke, od 1991. do danas.Kalkulatori za izračun unci čistog plemenitog metala, ASW(Actual Silver Weight), odnosno AGW (Actual Gold Weight), te, akoVam zatreba, za preračunavanje inča i unci u milimetre i grame (iobratno).Tu je još i mogućnost pretraživanja sadržaja web, kao i prikaz novosti sa tog sajta.A tu je čak i igrica "Klizna slagalica" (Sliding puzzle).Detaljnije informacije o aplikaciji potražite na aplikacije se izlazi pritiskom na "Home" tipku vašeg uređaja.Nakon toga, aplikacija ne ostaje u memoriji i ne troši resurse.Svi memorirani podaci (npr. pod "Moja zbirka") će biti očuvajupri instalaciji novije verzije aplikacije.Uneseni podaci, npr. pri kalkulacijama, se očuvaju kada seuređaj zarotira i kada se rad s aplikacijom prekine zaključavanjemuređaja.Trudio sam se da aplikacija bude što optimiziranija i da trošičim manje resursa.Po defaultu se instalira na SD karticu (ako postoji) i zauzimamanje od 100 KB interne memorije.Aplikacija ne prikuplja i ne šalje nikakve podatke o njenomkorištenju.Dozvole koje aplikacija traži su:"Izmjena/brisanje sadržaja SD kartice" za bilježenje podataka iz"Moja zbirka"."Potpun internetski pristup" za povlačenje sadržaja s interneta,npr. tečajne liste.Language: ENGLISH ONLY.Kunalipa application is designed to help coin collectors andcollectors, and provides useful information for anyone interestedin contemporary Croatian money.Catalogue of contemporary Croatian money with basic informationabout the notes and coins of the 1991st today. Catalog provides apictorial and textual display of banknotes Croatian dinars, dinars"Serbian Krajina" and martens, and optjecajnih kuna coins andlime.The application allows you to simply and always at hand have atable with marked specimens that you are missing in yourcollection.Exchange rate list shows the purchasing, selling and middleclasses of the Croatian National Bank, and has a currencyconverter.Also, there is the current exchange rate of the European CentralBank, the exchange rates for all the world's currencies,information on the names of monetary units, the ISO codes, andnames and numbers for all parts of the currencies of the worldcurrency.Attached are the exchange rates of foreign currencies againstthe Croatian dinar (1993.), Or curse (since 1994.) At the end ofthe year, according to the middle exchange rate of the CroatianNational Bank, the 1991st today.Calculators to calculate ounces of pure precious metal, ASW(Actual Silver Weight), or AGW (Actual Gold Weight), and if youneed, for the conversion of inches and ounces to milliliters andgrams (and vice versa).There is also the ability to search the contents of a web and display news from this site.And there's even a game, "Sliding Puzzle" (Sliding Puzzle).Detailed information about the application, visit the the application, you can exit by pressing the "Home" buttonof your device. After that, the application does not remain inmemory and not wasting resources.All stored data (eg under "My Collection") will maintain wheninstalling newer versions of applications.Entered data, for example, when the calculations, preserve whenthe device is rotated and when the application work is interruptedby locking device.I tried to be as streamlined application that consumes as lessresources.By default it installs to the SD card (if applicable), and occupiesless than 100 MB of internal memory.The app does not collect or send any information about itsuse.Permit applications that have been requested:"Modify / delete SD card contents" for logging data from "MyCollection"."Full internet access" to withdraw from the Internet, such asforeign exchange rates.
EUkviz, zemlje Europske unije
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Language: CROATIAN ONLY.Jednostavna igrica u kojoj treba pogađati obilježja 28zemaljačlanica Europske unije.Tri kategorije pitanja: državne zastave, državni grboviiregistracijske tablice (pločice).Po 28 pitanja u svakoj kategoriji.Besplatno, nema reklama, ne treba internet pristup.Language: ENGLISH ONLY.A simple game where you must guess the characteristics of28European Union member countries.Three categories of issues: state flags, state emblems andlicenseplates (plates).By 28 questions in each category.Free, no ads, no need internet access.
Maps of Republic of Serbia
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Maps of Republic of Serbia and its townsfromOpenStreetMaps, Google Maps and satellite.To view the maps you must have a working internet connection.Once maps are loaded, you can use them later without aninternetconnection established.Return to the start menu by pressing Back.Close application by pressing Home.The application does not have support for GPS, but it may be ofuseto someone.If the cached maps take too much space, application cache canbeemptied via "Settings - Applications - ManageApplications".The application does not collect any personal information abouttheuser and does not send any information about its use to theauthorof the application.
Croatian folk stories, book
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Language: CROATIAN ONLY.Hrvatska književnost: Narodne priče - Zbirka, uglavnomšaljivih,narodnih pripovijetki.Ova knjiga je zbirka narodnih pripovjedaka iz svih krajevaHrvatskei Bosne i Hercegovine.Besplatno, nema špijuniranja, ne treba internet pristup.Elektronske knjige "Hrvatska književnost" za Android su knjigeuobliku Android aplikacija koje se čitaju na smartphoneimaitabletima bez potrebe za posebnim programima zanjihovočitanje.